
Training was competitive but not only that it was fun and engaging. The drills and games were specific to honing your technique and confidence with the ball, the attention to detail was a standout attribute for me personally. Equipment was plentiful and the ideas on using them were as creative as a playmaker can get.


Training was competitive but not only that it was fun and engaging. The drills and games were specific to honing your technique and confidence with the ball, the attention to detail was a standout attribute for me personally. Equipment was plentiful and the ideas on using them were as creative as a playmaker can get.


It was a good session, with very good coaching, and made me work very hard. I liked that It took me out of my comfort zone, and this helped improve my football ability


It was a good session, with very good coaching, and made me work very hard. I liked that It took me out of my comfort zone, and this helped improve my football ability


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